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Created 1-Feb-14
Modified 1-Feb-14
Visitors 10
21 photos

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Early Morning in Melbourne, Australia (portrait)The dots on the horizon are hot air balloons.Early Morning in Melbourne, Australia (landscape)The dots on the horizon are hot air balloons.Tasmania in the afternoonMurray River in Mildura, AustraliaTwelve Apostles, AustraliaBeautiful Brampton DayCanada GooseGullsGulls 2 (Monochrome)Beautiful Brampton DayMore gullsSafe and SoundGravenhurst Harbour (Monochrome)Gravenhurst HarbourBrampton Battalion vs Niagara Ice Dogs - Mark VisentinBella - Eyes that see to your soul. 12"x36"Melbourne ,Victoria, AustraliaMuskoka CottageMuskoka Scene 12"x36"Melbourne ,Victoria, Australia